
Option Modules

Option Module A, B, C, D/E, GM/GR, J, K, L, M, N, O

Option Modules

The option module is a small, plug-in circuit card module that offers the capacity to transport various signal types over a fiber transmission link. The option module is only available for selected fiber optic transmitter and receiver models of the 9000 series.


  • Unrivalled flexibility
  • User-definable service per Option Module channel:
  • - (Supervised) Contact closure
  • - (Stereo) Audio
  • - RS-422/485 and RS-232 data
  • - Intercom (AiPhone)
  • - Audio Amplifier (SelecTone)
  • - Fire door contact closure


The Optelecom option module is a small, plug-in circuit card module that offers the capacity to transport various signal types over a fiber transmission link. The option module is only available for selected fiber optic transmitter and receiver models of the 9000 series. If the basic operation of the host link is unidirectional (simplex), the video and any additional signal transmission capabilities operate only in the same direction as the video. If the operation of the host link is bidirectional (duplex), the additional signals operate in both directions on the fiber. The option modules come factory pre-installed and are specially designed to provide maximum flexibility in virtually any combination of audio, data, contact closures, intercom, or Audio Amplifier channels. Refer to the data sheet of 9000 series models that support option modules for ordering information.